Herdy's Mini ‘Peep’ Christmas Cakes

With only a few weeks left until the big day, it’s time to start thinking about those tasty treats you and the family can enjoy this Christmas. Herdy’s mini ‘Peep’ Christmas cakes are the perfect addition to your festive menu, they look baa-riliant and are super easy to make.
This year, ewe can have a Herdy Christmas, even if baking isn’t really your thing!
Ewe will need
- Fruit Cake / Loaf
- Ready to roll Royal Icing
- Silver Edible Pearls
- Decorative Ribbon (optional)
- Herdy Cookie Cutter Set
- Icing Sugar
1 - Take your pre-bought or homemade Christmas cake and cut it into individual cakes. We used a 7cm circular cutter to create our mini cakes. We also gave the cakes a trim so they were all the same height, approximately 7cm. These sizes are only a guide, you could make your cakes a different size, depending on what baking equipment you have in your cupboard.
2 - Set your mini Christmas cakes to one side. Next, it’s time to prepare the Royal Icing.

3 - Royal out half your Royal icing to approximately 5mm thick. Make sure you roll out the icing on a surface dusted with Icing Sugar to stop your icing from sticking. Use a guide if you have one to create an even roll.
4 - Take the large Herdy cookie cutter and cut the desired shape from the icing, you will only need to use the top ‘head’ part of the cutter.

5 - Cut Herdy’s head a couple of millimetres below the eyes, this will create the ‘Peep’ design
6 - Place two edible silver pearl decorations for Herdy’s eyes. Apply a little pressure to each pearl to secure them in place.

7 - Take the remainder of your Royal icing and roll to the same thickness as your ‘Peep’ cutouts. Use the same cutter used for the cakes to create a disk of icing to sit on top.
Top Tip: Use some festive flavoured jam to secure the icing disk to the cake base.
8 - Finally, carefully place your Herdy ‘Peep’ cut out on top of your royal icing disk. To make our cakes extra festive, we wrapped a ribbon around each of our cakes. Ewe could try some edible glitter of a sprig of Holly.