Ullswater Yacht Club's 60th

As ewe know, herdy loves supporting our rural communities and traditions, and what could be more fun than messing about in boats?
This year marks Ullswater Yacht Clubs’ 60th anniversary year. The club started in 1958 when friends Harold Couzens and Joe Harrison, who both enjoyed spending time on the lake, decided it would be a good idea for Ullswater to have its own club. They placed an advert in the Cumberland and Westmorland Herald on March 4, 1958, inviting anyone interested to write to them. They were delighted with the response and eighty people turned up at the Queen’s Head, Tirril, on April 10, 1958, to officially form the Ullswater Motor Boat and Yacht Club.
To celebrate their diamond year, the club asked if our l’al (fine, enormous) herdy would be part of the celebrations at their first race, the Daffodil Regatta. How could we say no? Everyone, meet Admiral herdy!
Good luck to all the competitors! Details of the event are here.