Cut & Sew, Herdy Christmas Tea Towel

Ewe will need
- Sharp scissors
- White sewing thread
- Pins
- Fine needle
- Soft toy stuffing
This kit can be hand sewn or sewn on a machine.
The final cushions wil be appox 25cm H x 11cm W

- Cut out the front and back of Santa Herdy along the dotted line and place them together face to face (print side in). Cut the green Herdy hanger label off the tea towel, and pin in place, positioned just over the boot so that the logo will be seen from the front of the character once finished. Pin the two sides of fabric together ready for stitching.

2. Cut out the front and back of Sheppy along the dotted line and place them together face to face (print side in). Pin the two pieces together ready for stitching.

3. Cut out the snowflakes and pair up with similar sized pieces. Use plain leftover fabric to back the largest snowflake. Use the dotted template to cut out additional snowflakes (not outlined) if you want to make more. Pin the snowflake pieces together ready for stitching.

4. Leaving a small space at the base of the characters, stitch around Santa Herdy and Sheppy approximately 5 mm from the edge.
5. Repeat the same with the snowflakes.

6. Turn the sewn characters and snowflakes the right way out and stuff with a generous amount of stuffing. We’ve used polyester stuffing made from recycled plastic bottles but cotton kapok is a good option if you want to use a natural material. You can use up any left-over tea towel fabric to add to the stuffing. Alternatively, you could always fill Santa Herdy and Sheppy with with dried beans, pulses or sand to make a baa-rilliant door stop.

7. Finish by neatly stitching together the gap left to insert the stuffing.
8. We cut out the very small snowflakes and used these to scatter as decoration.
9. Sit back and admire your handiwork!