The clothing and fashion industry increasingly faces pressing questions about sustainable raw materials, fair treatment of workers in developing countries, and the environmental burden created by modern clothing manufacturing.
When we design new clothing ranges, we face these pressing questions head-on and feel a sense of responsibility to do the right thing. That’s why we teamed up with a textiles manufacturer who is fully Garments Without Guilt certified
To be Garments Without Guilt certified, factories must be:
- Free of Child Labour
- Free of Forced Labour
- Free of Discrimination
- Free of Sweatshop Practices
Here at Herdy we’ve gone even further.
All our clothing ranges are now made from 100% GOTS certified organic cotton.
Is organic cotton actually better?
Organic cotton is grown in ways that reduce the burden on our environment, helps maintain soil fertility, encourages greater bio diversity, and uses much less water.
The main benefit, however, is that the crops aren’t treated with pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and Genetically Modified Organisms, as they harm farmers, workers, customers, and wildlife eco-systems.
Less than four percent of all cotton grown globally is organic.